Monday, May 5, 2014

Sound of it

Sometime i would just free my mind and hear the sound of the world as it wolud give me some direction to what my life would be if i didnt have any eyes~

The sound we all heard it
Rushing trough our soul like the sound of a humming bird
Once it came to me in a dark pitch black without any light it came
The sound~
In a dark cold night it come
Giving me the hunger to hear it more and more
I would just lay here in this beautiful sound
Its a wonderfull feeling it makes me feel
Without this sound i would be lost
Lost in a empty space whithout it
Rest assure my sound would be heard without any light
To calm u down or even make u fight
Trough it all
Its just a simple sound
So rest my dear nor even lay a while
I think its just a simple sound.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Girang lak! :D

today is 11th march

Yeay hari nie leh mandi ngn aman kt dlm toilet! sbb smlm xder hari nie nk balas dendam mandi lama cikit sbb ade air pancut! yeay! seronok mandi time2 ptg sbb cuaca skrg panas kan pastu jerebu lagi so kalau mandi time2 mcm nie mmg sesuai lor.. :D

Cite semalam ! 

penat woo g cari air kt petrol setsen kat area puchong..angkut la 4 tong berat isi air tuk guna kat umah..susah jugak kan kalau umah xder air.. ade org tanye aku cm nie

DIA: "awak kalau diberi pilihan ape yg awk xnk? xnk ade air ke atau xnk ade eletrik?"

AKU: "mesti la nk dua2 sbb kalau xder elektrik susah xder air pon susah"

DIA: "tapi kalau kene pilih jugak salah satu?"

AKU: "hmm~ kalau kene pilih jugak sy xnk pilih pon mane2~ heheheheh~ "

seronok lak ade org care kt aku nie~ selalunye sorg2 je kwn2 pon menghilangkan diri susah nk jejak maklumla skrg nie semua sudah berkerja so mane ade masa nk lepak2 ngn kwn..aku malas la nk ajak lepak ke ape kann sbb nanti mcm menyusahkan lak dieorg nk lepak ngn aku..lepak nanti nk balik awl so better xyah lepak..hehehheheh~

kesian sbb aku mmg susah kalau xder bende yg kita selalu guna la kalau elektrik xder susah woo nk charge fone dan alat2 elektronik aku kann..pastu kalau xder air lak susah la nk basuh pinggan,basuh baju,mandi,buang air semua 2 kan pakai air.. ehheheheh~

Cite hari nie !

ingatkan nk kuar tapi memandangkan hari lak panas pastu tambahan lak ngn jerebu so lebih elok kalau aku ddk umah je kann~ relax2 buat ape yg patut kt umah nie..kemas bilik ke,buat keje umah ke~ heheheheh~ tp kalau ade org ajak kuar pon best jugak nie ye la dh lame xtengok pemandangan luar katekan asyik terperap kat umah pon bosan jugak kadang2.. :D

pastu umah pon baru je ade air balik nie~ baik gunakan air sebelum ditutup semula air nie..kene guna dengan hemah sbb air susah ade woo~ kene tunggu turn tuk ade air..pastu gap die lak terasa mcm lame je nk tunggu air 2 ade balik.. :S

so hari nie mmg kene mandi sepuas-puasnya! heheheheh~ okey la korang aku nk gerak masuk toilet! nk balas dendam mandi! hehehheheh~ selamat membaca you all's! lols! :D

Friday, March 7, 2014

Long time no entry~ :D

7th march 2014

Sudah lame xtulis kt blog nie..bile bace blog org terasa lak nk conteng2 kt blog kite sendiri..hehehehehe~
today is 7th march 2014, masa berlalu terlalu cepat taw2 je dh habis blaja dh..alhamdulilah kerana penat lelah diri sendiri usaha nk habiskan belajar akhirnya tercapai gak cita2 nk dpt DIPLOMA! ahhahahah~ semua org dh sibuk nk amik degree aku baru nk dpt diploma~ tp xpe janji aku ade gak diploma kau ade! ahhahahahh~ so skrg nie pon tengah menanti tuk menjalani hidup ngn berbekalkan diploma yg xseberapa bak kate org "everyday wake up u learn something new" so aku pon wat lek wat peace redah je hidup nie ngn selamber je..belajar ape yg patut tuk bekalan dunia nie..

Sekarang nie hidup aku makin lama makin terurus ALHAMDULILAH jugak la aku g belajar kan kasi otak nie bergerak cikit, skrg nie susah la nk cite pasal love story sbb aku rasa bende2 mcm 2 xyah la kite nk cari2 bagai..nanti ade die datang la sendiri kann~ so misi aku tuk tahun nie adalah :-

  • Travel all over the world! 
  • Full-kan peti ais aku ngn bermacam-macam minuman cth susu,jus2 dll
  • beli IPHONE 5s!
  • happykan keluarga
  • happykan diri sendiri dengan bende2 yg aku mengidam nk beli! :D

So aku rasa 5 bende nie kene buat dulu sebelum nk melangkahkan kaki ke alam perkahwinan~ sbb aku katakan bende ini ialah kerana kalau dengan info yang aku dapat and baca bukan senang WO~ nk mendirikan masjid kita sendiri byk nk kene pikirkan! So atas sbb2 berikut aku nk manjakan diri dulu ngn bende2 aku xdpt rasa masa aku belajar dulu..bile dh keje nie blh la berbelanja bende2 yg kite nk selagi masih bujang nie..heheheheh~ so nanti kalau org tnye aku blh la dengan bangganya aku jawab aku dah buat semua 2 dan xmenyesal buat semua 2.."perkara yg dirujuk ialah bende2 yang baik taw" heheheheh~ 

aku nk share gambar aku skrg tp aku rasa aku xberapa style bak kate org so xyah la nk letak2 gambar bagai orite3~!!
terkejut jugak aku sbb aku ingat blog aku nie dh kene hapus dh rupe-nyer ade lagi blog aku dengan tanpa segan silu terus je aku post kt cini..nk cite kt FB 2 rase mcm bosan lak kan..cini mcm private cikit sbb xramai org taw blog aku still hidup! hahahahahhah~  dengan akhir kata aku rasa semua org ade hidup masing2 and semua org blh berubah cuma kita perlu memerhatikan dan memberi aura POSITIVE kepada org yang berada disekeliling kita! choii!! ahhahaha~ sampai cini je blog aku..malas nk tulis panjang2 nanti penat pulak korang nk baca kan..dh mcm karangan dah aku kasi nie.. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

It's time

It's time to move on cause there is nothing left for me to be with you anymore, you have found someone new in a short time.allah have a great plan for me, all I wanted to say is "halal kan segala makan minum  ku dan maafkan lah segala kesalahan ku itu sahaja yang ku mahu kan dari mu"

You are my last, and This promise i'll keep until the end of my life.

Why I'm so foolish to think that I can win you back? I don't wanna hope anymore. I want to take a step away form you. I'm strong like you said and YES! I'm strong, Allah is near me forever! Love is just a feeling that is borrow form Allah so if Allah wanna take it back so be it. Allah akan menguji hamba nya  setakat mana yang hambanya dapat menerima Jadi aku redho ya Allah dengan ujian mu.

Terima kasih Kerana sanggup bersama dengan saya yg xseberapa nie. And alhamdulillah Kerana memberi sedikit kemanisan dalam hidup saya.

Dengan lafaz bismilahirahmanirahim saya melangkah jauh daripada hidup awk.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Today can't sleep.. Been thinking the whole day.. Why I'm like this? Why cant i just move on? All the sweet memory's is gone!! I hope I can get trough this.. I can only hope this feeling fade away.. Owh GOD please help me.. I'm suffering GOD.. Please take this feeling away so that I can get trough this day and the next.. I hope that she is happy and I will always DOA for her happiness.. I can't give her what she want and I hope the next guy that she with will give her what I can't give to her.. If she is reading this I hope she just be like she is right now happy and always smiling.. Hope if you see me out there just be happy and don't show your sad face.. Just smile and laugh.. Just let me take all your pain and suffering and carry it with me.. I still remember my promise to you..  All I can do is DOA for your happiness..

You will always be a chapter in my life.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Lets fly to the black sky and let our dream of happy ending fade,
Lets get to a place where there is no sorrow, only to find misery,
Don't jump in if you don't want to be in it,
Do make any decision if you can't commit to it,
Counting the days hoping to find some true happy ending,
Always fail to grasp the true meaning,
Don't be sad because you don't have wings to fly,
Don't make people look pity to you cause they don't care about you,
Heart is a nasty thing they say,
Only heart can let you astray,
So let those shackle away form you,
Just let yourself fly to the black sky,
Only suffering you will find,
One heart cannot bare,
But only god you can share.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Touch your dream

Someone told me that you can't touch love but you only feel love..I'm living in this world full of hope and dream but can I touch the dream? Can I? If I can touch it I think the world is ending soon because you can only live your dream not touch it..I live in this world hoping for the best and achieve the highest things in life.. I often wonder is there is still hope for me? Is there hope in living out my dream? I think without dream people will live in a gray area in their life's..not to judged other people but its a fact that once u have achieve your dream you have overcome all the obstacle in your live insya'Allah god will guide you in the right path and send you a better days than now..I always have great respect for those who have already live their dreams and I envy them because I can get the dream that I always dream off, in my envy ness there is proud also in them because they have overcome their fear and obstacle to get what they want.. I hope that someday I can get the same things that they have achieve and more..I also hope that one fine day me dream of traveling all over the world come true and I hope GOD will guide me in the right path so that I can overcome my fear and obstacle to archive greatness in life.

Once you set your mind at something insya'Allah he will see your effort and grant you with with what you wish for..I hope God see my effort and grant me my dream insya'Allah..everything's that is bad always come from me and all the good things always come from HIM, and I will never forget where I come from and what have I overcome may Allah led me to a better tomorrow insya'Allah..